keskiviikko 25. helmikuuta 2009

Sammanträde på UCPori

I dag är det dags att ha ett möte på UCPori. Vi kommer att diskutera följande projekt inklusive partnerskapsavtalet. Vi siktar på att få fortsättning på UniPlatform projektet fr.o.m. hösten 2009.

UniPlatform projektet har förlöpt väl och under den gångna projekttiden har vi kunnat identifiera de i dokumentet framtagna samarbetstemana/-fälten. UniPlatform projektets styrgrupp har beslutat att infoga dessa teman (workpackages) i vår ansökan om ett två och ett halvt år långt etableringsprojekt, vilket även konkretiserar/fokuserar våra mål med det nya projektet. UniPlatform II strävar efter att intensifiera samarbetet mellan våra tre universitet inom forskning, utbildning och samverkan.

Hittills har vi haft tre större möten, ett i Björneborg på hösten och två möten/konferenser på våren. Sammanlagt har vi haft ca 30 personer involverade i olika former av samarbetsförhandlingar. Därutöver har den finländsk-svenska forskargruppen på 7 personer arbetat intensivt.

För att alla de planerade verksamheterna och deltemana skall kunna fortgå så effektivt som möjligt och utan avbrott är det ytterst viktigt att etebaleringsprojektet kan starta fr.o.m. den 1 augusti 2009. Detta är angeläget i synnerhet med tanke på planeringen av lärarnas undervisning och projektarbeten med studerande inför kommande höst och forskarnas insatser på internationella konferenser m.fl.

tiistai 17. helmikuuta 2009

Skiing Holiday in Satakunta

"Skiing Holiday" is being spent in the region Satakunta. The weather has been very cold at night but at daytime the sun has been shining and the temparature has risen a bit. It has been a perfect vacation week so far for those having free time outside with skiing, skating and relaxing in other ways.

The Project never sleeps. Fow now two major visits are being planned. The first one is a visit to the annual conference of the Botnia-Atlantica programme (financing this project). The congress will be held in Sundsvall on April 2-3. In connection with that conference the steering committee of the UniPlatform project will meet in Sundsvall.

The other visit being under planning is to gather a group of sex Swedish professionals to come over to Satakunta and visit our educational institutions. That visit will be organised on April 16-17.

keskiviikko 11. helmikuuta 2009

Sundsvall day after yesterday

A day after the project meeting. I am very pleased with the results. Before the results of the meetings at Mid Sween University I have to say a couple of words about the flight on a little (sex seats) airplane, the landscape in Sundsvall and the temperature in Sundsvall, the county of Västernorrland. Especially the landscape over there in the region of Sundsvall (even if the High Coast(Höga Kusten) begins in the north of Härnösand, about 70 km north of Sundsvall) is very beutiful and special, you get a feeling of being in the northern part of Finland.

After landing at Midlanda Airport the cold weather came to meet us. When leaving Pori - 2 degrees in the morning, but when arriving in Sundsvall nearly - 20 degrees Celsius. A totally different weather was waiting for us. In Pori it was pourraining with plus degrees on Sunday evening.

The plane was, as I mentioned, a little one, hired from Turku Air. It takes six persons onboard and the flight was very pleasent, took only 50 minutes from Pori to Turku. It was like sitting in a private car. The route was more stabil than on our narrow and dangerrous road between Pori and Rauma.

The landscape is very beautiful covered with much more snow than here in Satakunta. The landscape is full of hills outside the town of Sundsvall. Sundsvall is a twin city of Pori, having about 95 000 inhabitants.

But to the results of the conference and cooperative meetings.

We started with an open conference presentating the Botnia-Atlantica (EU)-programme, the UniPlatform project, the region of Satakunta, our universities and R&D-functions. The conference lasted two hours and there were 15 people listening to us.

During these two days we managed to find new partners to our cooperation over mountains and sea. There are some results which must now be elaborated during the next two months and be realized in real actions.

Returned yesterday happy but tired. And now the planning of actions and activities begins...


tiistai 3. helmikuuta 2009

Sundsvall Conference

The aim of this blog, which I am exercising to write, is to inform about the project going on.

Time for our next trip to Sweden, is on Monday 9th-Tuesday 10th February. We are going to have a conference including a presentation seminar on our project and educational institutions involved. During the conference we will discuss cooperation in research, education and other collaborative forms between organisations.