The UniPlatform pilot project has ended.
Thanks all for participating in and developing UniPlatform cross-border actions and those involved in creating good results and outcomes during the project period.
For further UniPlaform affairs please contact project leader Jari Heiniluoma (
maanantai 28. syyskuuta 2009
keskiviikko 16. syyskuuta 2009
The UniPlatform project ends
The UniPlatform project was carried out by three Finnish partners and one Swedish partner during the project time 1.9.2008-30.9.2009. The project was funded by Botnia-Atlantica -programme (96 000 EUR/60%), the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (16 000 EUR/10 %)), the County of Västernorrland (27 000 EUR/16,9%), the City of Pori/UCPori (7 000 EUR/4,4%), SAMK (14 000 EUR/8.8%). Totally the budget comprised 160 000 EUR.
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) was the lead partner (samordnande stödmottagare/ in the project. Turku School of Economics (, Pori Unit and Tampere University of Technology (docent Jari Palomäki/Pori Unit) ( were participating under the umbrella organisation i.e. the University Consortium of Pori ( These two university entities are administrative and autonomous parts of the consortium.
The Swedish project partner was Mid Sweden University/Mittuniversitetet/MIUN/( which is located in three cities in two geographical regions: Härnösand, Sundsvall and Östersund. The parner agreement was signed between the participating organisations.
The cooperation was conducted in the fields of research, education and collaboration between the regions of Satakunta and Västernorrland. The UniPlatform was an innovative pilot project lasting 13 months and the priority area was 2; 2.1.”Tillväxt genom samverkan, tema kompetens”. The project indicators were 211, 212, 213, 222, 223 and 232.
The aim of the project was to clarify and assess possibilitities to more active and goal-minded cooperation and collaboration between universitities in Västernorrland and Satakunta.
The project has been carried out in accordance with the project plan. The co-operation in the future has to be deepened. There is a common and shared interest between the partners and the project staff to co-operate also in the future. Some new project ideas/plans are under discussion
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) was the lead partner (samordnande stödmottagare/ in the project. Turku School of Economics (, Pori Unit and Tampere University of Technology (docent Jari Palomäki/Pori Unit) ( were participating under the umbrella organisation i.e. the University Consortium of Pori ( These two university entities are administrative and autonomous parts of the consortium.
The Swedish project partner was Mid Sweden University/Mittuniversitetet/MIUN/( which is located in three cities in two geographical regions: Härnösand, Sundsvall and Östersund. The parner agreement was signed between the participating organisations.
The cooperation was conducted in the fields of research, education and collaboration between the regions of Satakunta and Västernorrland. The UniPlatform was an innovative pilot project lasting 13 months and the priority area was 2; 2.1.”Tillväxt genom samverkan, tema kompetens”. The project indicators were 211, 212, 213, 222, 223 and 232.
The aim of the project was to clarify and assess possibilitities to more active and goal-minded cooperation and collaboration between universitities in Västernorrland and Satakunta.
The project has been carried out in accordance with the project plan. The co-operation in the future has to be deepened. There is a common and shared interest between the partners and the project staff to co-operate also in the future. Some new project ideas/plans are under discussion
sunnuntai 23. elokuuta 2009
The UniPlatform Conference was held in Pori
The two day long conference was held in Pori between August 18 and 19, 2009. There were 20 participants alltogether in Pori and Härnösand. The presentations were excellent and they were at very high level. Cooperation between the twin cities Sundsvall-Pori can be tightened after this conference. Project planning meeting on Tuesday evening was very fruitful for the new project to be applied for. During the second day Project Manager Hans Beijar from the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia informed the project about the Botnia-Atlantica programme and the budget situation/the application process in the programme.
maanantai 10. elokuuta 2009
Satakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu (SAMK) Lehdistötiedote 11.08.2009
UniPlatform-projekti on kehittänyt tutkimus ja -koulutusyhteistyötä Satakunnan ja Ruotsin Västernorrlannin välille.
Pilottiprojektin tuloksia esittelevä konferenssi järjestetään Porissa 18.-19.8.2009
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, Porin yliopistokeskus ja ruotsalainen Mittuniversitetet ovat kartoittaneet tutkimus- ja koulutusyhteistyömahdollisuuksia vuoden kestäneessä Botnia-Atlantica-ohjelman rahoittamassa lähialueyhteistyöprojektissa. Projektin rahoitukseen ovat osallistuneet myös Pohjanmaan liitto, Västernorrlannin lääni, Porin kaupunki ja Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu.
Projektin tuloksia esittelevä kaksipäiväinen konferenssi järjestetään Porin yliopistokeskuksessa ja Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulussa 18.-19.8.2009. Konferenssi toteutetaan videokonferenssina Mittuniversitetetin kanssa. Poriin on tulossa delegaatio Mittuniversitetetista.
UniPlatform-projekti on kartoittanut yhteistyömahdollisuuksia tutkimuksen, opetuksen ja opiskelija-/opettajavaihdon alueilla Ruotsin Sundsvallin ja Härnösandin suuntaan.
Projektin aikana on toteutettu tutkimusosio, jossa on tutkittu sähköistä tiedonhallintaa pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä. Lisäksi on selvitetty mahdollisuuksia lisätä opettaja- ja henkilökuntavaihtoa, opiskelijaprojekteja ja saada aikaan kansainvälistä harjoittelua Satakunnan ja Västernorrlannin korkeakoulujen kesken.
Projektitoimintaa on ohjannut ohjausryhmä, jossa on kolmen korkeakoulun sekä Satakuntaliiton ja Västernorrlandin läänin edustajat. Koko projektin vastuullisena johtajana on toiminut SAMKin kansainvälisten asioiden päällikkö Jari Heiniluoma ja projektikoordinaattorina Timo Forsten. Yhteistyökorkeakoulut ovat hakemassa jatkoprojektia, jonka avulla yhteistyömalleja ja -mahdollisuuksia tarkennetaan ja syvennetään.
Mittuniversitetetet on yli 15 000 opiskelijan verkostomaisesti toimiva yliopisto Västernorrlannin läänissä Ruotsin keskiosassa. Sillä on kampus kolmella paikkakunnalla: Sundsvallissa, Härnösandissa ja Östersundissa.
Kansainvälisten asiain päällikkö Jari Heiniluoma, SAMK
(jari.heiniluoma(at), 044-710 3013
UniPlatform-projektin projektikoordinaattori Timo Forsten, SAMK
(timo.forsten(at), 044-710 3020
UniPlatform-projekti on kehittänyt tutkimus ja -koulutusyhteistyötä Satakunnan ja Ruotsin Västernorrlannin välille.
Pilottiprojektin tuloksia esittelevä konferenssi järjestetään Porissa 18.-19.8.2009
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, Porin yliopistokeskus ja ruotsalainen Mittuniversitetet ovat kartoittaneet tutkimus- ja koulutusyhteistyömahdollisuuksia vuoden kestäneessä Botnia-Atlantica-ohjelman rahoittamassa lähialueyhteistyöprojektissa. Projektin rahoitukseen ovat osallistuneet myös Pohjanmaan liitto, Västernorrlannin lääni, Porin kaupunki ja Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu.
Projektin tuloksia esittelevä kaksipäiväinen konferenssi järjestetään Porin yliopistokeskuksessa ja Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulussa 18.-19.8.2009. Konferenssi toteutetaan videokonferenssina Mittuniversitetetin kanssa. Poriin on tulossa delegaatio Mittuniversitetetista.
UniPlatform-projekti on kartoittanut yhteistyömahdollisuuksia tutkimuksen, opetuksen ja opiskelija-/opettajavaihdon alueilla Ruotsin Sundsvallin ja Härnösandin suuntaan.
Projektin aikana on toteutettu tutkimusosio, jossa on tutkittu sähköistä tiedonhallintaa pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä. Lisäksi on selvitetty mahdollisuuksia lisätä opettaja- ja henkilökuntavaihtoa, opiskelijaprojekteja ja saada aikaan kansainvälistä harjoittelua Satakunnan ja Västernorrlannin korkeakoulujen kesken.
Projektitoimintaa on ohjannut ohjausryhmä, jossa on kolmen korkeakoulun sekä Satakuntaliiton ja Västernorrlandin läänin edustajat. Koko projektin vastuullisena johtajana on toiminut SAMKin kansainvälisten asioiden päällikkö Jari Heiniluoma ja projektikoordinaattorina Timo Forsten. Yhteistyökorkeakoulut ovat hakemassa jatkoprojektia, jonka avulla yhteistyömalleja ja -mahdollisuuksia tarkennetaan ja syvennetään.
Mittuniversitetetet on yli 15 000 opiskelijan verkostomaisesti toimiva yliopisto Västernorrlannin läänissä Ruotsin keskiosassa. Sillä on kampus kolmella paikkakunnalla: Sundsvallissa, Härnösandissa ja Östersundissa.
Kansainvälisten asiain päällikkö Jari Heiniluoma, SAMK
(jari.heiniluoma(at), 044-710 3013
UniPlatform-projektin projektikoordinaattori Timo Forsten, SAMK
(timo.forsten(at), 044-710 3020
UniPlatform Autumn Conference Programme update
“Over the Bothnian Sea”
UniPlatform Project: building up education and research co-operation between Västernorrland and Satakunta
The UniPlatform project is by a Botnia-Atlantica (Interreg IVa/60 %) programme financed cooperation project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Mid Sweden University (MIUN) and University Consortium of Pori (UCPori). The other financing organisations are the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, the County of Västernorrland, the City of Pori and SAMK. The duration of the UniPlatform project is 1.9.2008-30.9.2009. The UniPlatform project comprises research and education cooperation, R&D, staff and student mobility and student projects.
Time August 18-19, 2009
Place 18.8 University Consortium of Pori (Address: Pohjoisranta 11 A)
(Video conference/Campus Härnösand, Studio G319)
19.8. Solarium LIPO (SAMK) (Address: Tiedepuisto 3)
(Video conference/Campus Härnösand, Studio G319)
Tuesday August 18, 2009 (UCPori/Auditorium 125; 1.floor/Campus Härnösand: Studio G319)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.30 Coffee
10.00 Start of the UniPlatform conference (Head of International Relations, Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma/SAMK)
10.05 Opening of the conference (Mayor Aino-Maija Luukkonen/the City of Pori)
10.15 Greetings from the City of Sundsvall (Investigator to the City Executive Board/Former Mayor Peter Gavelin/the City of Sundsvall)
10.30 Finnish universities in EU-projects (Vice President, Adj. Prof. Matti Lähdeniemi/SAMK)
11.00 Working together: Swedish experiences from the UniPlatform project (EU-coordinator Paul Howgate/MIUN)
11.30 Open Kvarken Project (Project Manager Rainer Lytz/Project Coordinator Henrik Niemelä/Vaasa University of Applied Sciences)
12.00 Lunch at UCPori (Restaurant Sofia)
13.00 Case presentations
- 13.00-13.15: Views on social services and health care cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Eija Viitasara/MIUN)
- 13-15-13.45: Model for mentoring PhD students (docent Jari Palomäki/TUT/UCPori)
13.45 Coffee break (Restaurant Sofia)
14.15 Case presentations continue…
-14.15-14.45: Research on information management in SMEs (Professor Seppo Sirkemaa/TSE/UCPori; Professor Karen Anderson/ITM/MIUN)
- 14.45-15.15: Developing course cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Petteri Teppola/SAMK)
15.15 Conclusions of the day I (Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma)
15.30 Networking Buffet at UCPori (Charlotta Lounge)
The presentations are given in English or Swedish.
OBS! G 319 är en trappa upp från ingången och ligger i hörnet mot U Huset – Biblioteket (se bifogad karta)
Wednesday August 19, 2009 (SAMK/LIPO/Solarium/ampus Härnösand: Studio G319)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.00 UniPlatform project administrative meeting
10.00 Coffee break
10.15 Project discussions (video conference)
- Funding Botnia-Atlantica projects (Program Manager Hans Beijar/the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia)
12.00 Lunch (Restaurant Agora)
13.00 Steering committee meeting (video conference)
14.00 Coffee
Enrollments by August 7, 2009 Timo Forsten Phone +358 44 710 3020
The conference is free of charge. Transportations from Härnösand/Sundsvall and accommodation in Pori will be arranged by the UniPlatform project. It is also possible to follow the conference with the help of videoconference system at MIUN (Campus Härnösand/Studio G319)). Please let me also know if it is possible for you to attend a videoconference in Härnösand.
UniPlatform Project: building up education and research co-operation between Västernorrland and Satakunta
The UniPlatform project is by a Botnia-Atlantica (Interreg IVa/60 %) programme financed cooperation project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Mid Sweden University (MIUN) and University Consortium of Pori (UCPori). The other financing organisations are the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, the County of Västernorrland, the City of Pori and SAMK. The duration of the UniPlatform project is 1.9.2008-30.9.2009. The UniPlatform project comprises research and education cooperation, R&D, staff and student mobility and student projects.
Time August 18-19, 2009
Place 18.8 University Consortium of Pori (Address: Pohjoisranta 11 A)
(Video conference/Campus Härnösand, Studio G319)
19.8. Solarium LIPO (SAMK) (Address: Tiedepuisto 3)
(Video conference/Campus Härnösand, Studio G319)
Tuesday August 18, 2009 (UCPori/Auditorium 125; 1.floor/Campus Härnösand: Studio G319)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.30 Coffee
10.00 Start of the UniPlatform conference (Head of International Relations, Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma/SAMK)
10.05 Opening of the conference (Mayor Aino-Maija Luukkonen/the City of Pori)
10.15 Greetings from the City of Sundsvall (Investigator to the City Executive Board/Former Mayor Peter Gavelin/the City of Sundsvall)
10.30 Finnish universities in EU-projects (Vice President, Adj. Prof. Matti Lähdeniemi/SAMK)
11.00 Working together: Swedish experiences from the UniPlatform project (EU-coordinator Paul Howgate/MIUN)
11.30 Open Kvarken Project (Project Manager Rainer Lytz/Project Coordinator Henrik Niemelä/Vaasa University of Applied Sciences)
12.00 Lunch at UCPori (Restaurant Sofia)
13.00 Case presentations
- 13.00-13.15: Views on social services and health care cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Eija Viitasara/MIUN)
- 13-15-13.45: Model for mentoring PhD students (docent Jari Palomäki/TUT/UCPori)
13.45 Coffee break (Restaurant Sofia)
14.15 Case presentations continue…
-14.15-14.45: Research on information management in SMEs (Professor Seppo Sirkemaa/TSE/UCPori; Professor Karen Anderson/ITM/MIUN)
- 14.45-15.15: Developing course cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Petteri Teppola/SAMK)
15.15 Conclusions of the day I (Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma)
15.30 Networking Buffet at UCPori (Charlotta Lounge)
The presentations are given in English or Swedish.
OBS! G 319 är en trappa upp från ingången och ligger i hörnet mot U Huset – Biblioteket (se bifogad karta)
Wednesday August 19, 2009 (SAMK/LIPO/Solarium/ampus Härnösand: Studio G319)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.00 UniPlatform project administrative meeting
10.00 Coffee break
10.15 Project discussions (video conference)
- Funding Botnia-Atlantica projects (Program Manager Hans Beijar/the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia)
12.00 Lunch (Restaurant Agora)
13.00 Steering committee meeting (video conference)
14.00 Coffee
Enrollments by August 7, 2009 Timo Forsten Phone +358 44 710 3020
The conference is free of charge. Transportations from Härnösand/Sundsvall and accommodation in Pori will be arranged by the UniPlatform project. It is also possible to follow the conference with the help of videoconference system at MIUN (Campus Härnösand/Studio G319)). Please let me also know if it is possible for you to attend a videoconference in Härnösand.
maanantai 6. heinäkuuta 2009
UniPlatform autumn conference will be arranged in Pori on August 18-19, 2009
The autumn conference goes under the title
“Over the Bothnian Sea”
UniPlatform Project: building up education and research co-operation between Västernorrland and Satakunta
The UniPlatform project is by a Botnia-Atlantica (Interreg IVa/60 %) programme financed cooperation project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Mid Sweden University (MIUN) and University Consortium of Pori (UCPori). The other financing organisations are the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, the County of Västernorrland, the City of Pori and SAMK. The duration of the UniPlatform project is 1.9.2008-30.9.2009. The UniPlatform project comprises research and education cooperation, R&D, staff and student mobility and student projects.
Time August 18-19, 2009
Place 18.8 University Consortium of Pori (Address: Pohjoisranta 11 A)
(Video conference/Campus Härnösand, Studio G319)
19.8. Solarium LIPO (SAMK) (Address: Tiedepuisto 3)
Tuesday August 18, 2009 (UCPori/Auditorium 125; 1.floor/Campus Härnösand: Studio G319)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.30 Coffee
10.00 Start of the UniPlatform conference (Head of International Relations, Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma/SAMK)
10.05 Opening of the conference (Mayor Aino-Maija Luukkonen/the City of Pori)
10.15 Greetings from the City of Sundsvall (Investigator to the City Executive Board/Former Mayor Peter Gavelin/the City of Sundsvall)
10.30 Finnish universities in EU-projects (Vice President, Adj. Prof. Matti Lähdeniemi/SAMK)
11.00 Working together: Swedish experiences from the UniPlatform project (EU-coordinator Paul Howgate/MIUN)
11.30 Lunch at UCPori
12.30 Open Kvarken Project (Project Manager Rainer Lytz/Project Coordinator Henrik Niemelä/Vaasa University of Applied Sciences)
13.00 Case presentations
- 13.00-13.15: Views on social services and health care cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Eija Viitasara/MIUN)
- 13-15-13.45: Model for mentoring PhD students (docent Jari Palomäki/TUT/UCPori)
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 Case presentations continue…
-14.15-14.45: Research on information management in SMEs (Professor Seppo Sirkemaa/TSE/UCPori; Professor Karen Anderson/ITM/MIUN)
- 14.45-15.15: Developing course cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Petteri Teppola/SAMK)
15.15 Conclusions of the day I (Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma)
15.30 Networking Buffet at UCPori
Presentations are given in English/Swedish.
OBS! G 319 är en trappa upp från ingången och ligger i hörnet mot U Huset – Biblioteket (se bifogad karta)
Wednesday August 19, 2009 (SAMK/LIPO/Solarium)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.00 UniPlatform project administrative meeting
10.00 Coffee break
10.15 Project discussions
- Funding Botnia-Atlantica projects (Program Manager Hans Beijar/the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Steering committee meeting
14.00 Coffee
Enrollments by August 7, 2009 Timo Forsten Phone +358 44 710 3020
The conference is free of charge. Transportations from Härnösand/Sundsvall and accommodation in Pori will be arranged by the UniPlatform project. It is also possible to follow the conference with the help of videoconference connections at MIUN (Campus Härnösand). Please let me also know if it is possible for you to attend a videoconference in Härnösand.
“Over the Bothnian Sea”
UniPlatform Project: building up education and research co-operation between Västernorrland and Satakunta
The UniPlatform project is by a Botnia-Atlantica (Interreg IVa/60 %) programme financed cooperation project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Mid Sweden University (MIUN) and University Consortium of Pori (UCPori). The other financing organisations are the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, the County of Västernorrland, the City of Pori and SAMK. The duration of the UniPlatform project is 1.9.2008-30.9.2009. The UniPlatform project comprises research and education cooperation, R&D, staff and student mobility and student projects.
Time August 18-19, 2009
Place 18.8 University Consortium of Pori (Address: Pohjoisranta 11 A)
(Video conference/Campus Härnösand, Studio G319)
19.8. Solarium LIPO (SAMK) (Address: Tiedepuisto 3)
Tuesday August 18, 2009 (UCPori/Auditorium 125; 1.floor/Campus Härnösand: Studio G319)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.30 Coffee
10.00 Start of the UniPlatform conference (Head of International Relations, Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma/SAMK)
10.05 Opening of the conference (Mayor Aino-Maija Luukkonen/the City of Pori)
10.15 Greetings from the City of Sundsvall (Investigator to the City Executive Board/Former Mayor Peter Gavelin/the City of Sundsvall)
10.30 Finnish universities in EU-projects (Vice President, Adj. Prof. Matti Lähdeniemi/SAMK)
11.00 Working together: Swedish experiences from the UniPlatform project (EU-coordinator Paul Howgate/MIUN)
11.30 Lunch at UCPori
12.30 Open Kvarken Project (Project Manager Rainer Lytz/Project Coordinator Henrik Niemelä/Vaasa University of Applied Sciences)
13.00 Case presentations
- 13.00-13.15: Views on social services and health care cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Eija Viitasara/MIUN)
- 13-15-13.45: Model for mentoring PhD students (docent Jari Palomäki/TUT/UCPori)
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 Case presentations continue…
-14.15-14.45: Research on information management in SMEs (Professor Seppo Sirkemaa/TSE/UCPori; Professor Karen Anderson/ITM/MIUN)
- 14.45-15.15: Developing course cooperation between SAMK and MIUN (Lecturer Petteri Teppola/SAMK)
15.15 Conclusions of the day I (Project Leader Jari Heiniluoma)
15.30 Networking Buffet at UCPori
Presentations are given in English/Swedish.
OBS! G 319 är en trappa upp från ingången och ligger i hörnet mot U Huset – Biblioteket (se bifogad karta)
Wednesday August 19, 2009 (SAMK/LIPO/Solarium)
(Finnish time) (Swedish time -1 h)
9.00 UniPlatform project administrative meeting
10.00 Coffee break
10.15 Project discussions
- Funding Botnia-Atlantica projects (Program Manager Hans Beijar/the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Steering committee meeting
14.00 Coffee
Enrollments by August 7, 2009 Timo Forsten Phone +358 44 710 3020
The conference is free of charge. Transportations from Härnösand/Sundsvall and accommodation in Pori will be arranged by the UniPlatform project. It is also possible to follow the conference with the help of videoconference connections at MIUN (Campus Härnösand). Please let me also know if it is possible for you to attend a videoconference in Härnösand.
perjantai 26. kesäkuuta 2009
UniPlatform II on June 26
A meeting for UniPlatform II-project will be held at SAMK on 26 June.
There will be discussions about the UniPlatform -project actions and future co-operation fields between SAMK, UCPori and Mid Sweden University.
There will be discussions about the UniPlatform -project actions and future co-operation fields between SAMK, UCPori and Mid Sweden University.
tiistai 26. toukokuuta 2009
Projektdiskussioner med gästerna från MIUN Sundsvall
Universitetslektor i omvårdnad Lisbeth Kristiansen, universitetsadjunkt Barbro Dahlbäck och lektor i hälsovetenskap Eija Viitasara besökte fakulteten för sociala tjänster och hälsovård vid SAMK den 25- 26 maj 2009.
Under besöket kunde gästerna bekanta sig med verksamheter inom utbildning, forskning och samverkan. De dryftade på möjligheter att samarbeta inom ramen för master-level utbildningar. Man kom fram till att det skulle vara intressant att ordna helt eller delvis gemensamma nätbaserade utbildningar/kurser.
Studenternas intresse för utbyte inom Norden har ökat och däri ser man goda mögligheter att utveckla samarbete i framtiden. Under det två dagar långa besöket diskuterade personalen vid SAMK och gästerna mögligheter att vidareutveckla student- och personalutbyte mellan Finland och Sverige.
Under besöket kunde gästerna bekanta sig med verksamheter inom utbildning, forskning och samverkan. De dryftade på möjligheter att samarbeta inom ramen för master-level utbildningar. Man kom fram till att det skulle vara intressant att ordna helt eller delvis gemensamma nätbaserade utbildningar/kurser.
Studenternas intresse för utbyte inom Norden har ökat och däri ser man goda mögligheter att utveckla samarbete i framtiden. Under det två dagar långa besöket diskuterade personalen vid SAMK och gästerna mögligheter att vidareutveckla student- och personalutbyte mellan Finland och Sverige.
perjantai 22. toukokuuta 2009
Svenskt besök på SOTE 25-26 maj
Nästa personalbesök inom ramen för UniPlatformprojektet äger rum 25-26 maj på SOTE i Björneborg (Satakunta yrkeshögskola).
Tre personer från Mittuniversitetet i Sundsvall kommer att besöka social- och hälsovårdsfakulteten i Björneborg.
Man kommer att föra samarbetsdiskussioner inom utbildning, studentutbyte och forskning mellan SAMK och Mittuniversitetet.
Besöksprogrammet kan hittas på
Tre personer från Mittuniversitetet i Sundsvall kommer att besöka social- och hälsovårdsfakulteten i Björneborg.
Man kommer att föra samarbetsdiskussioner inom utbildning, studentutbyte och forskning mellan SAMK och Mittuniversitetet.
Besöksprogrammet kan hittas på
maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2009
Väntan på första maj-fest
Valborgsveckan är långthunnen. Valborgsmässoaftonen är snart här. Solen och värmen har kommit till Satakunta. I går var Björneborg den varmaste orten i hela Finland. Det uppmättes över 22 grader, vilket är en ovanligt hög temperatur under våren.
Det är på tiden att ta det lite lugnare och kanske festa lite grann.
UniPlatform-projektet framskrider. Vi fick en förlängd projekttid (t.o.m. den 30 september 2009).
Vårt senaste personalbesök på SAMK/UCPori gick fint och smidigt. Fem experter från Mittuniversitetet i Sverige besökte Björneborg och Raumo under två dagar. Vi hade bra och nyttiga samarbetsdiskussioner. Det är viktigt att lära känna varandra inom projetet. Det är också angeläget att nya personer kommer att medverka i projektet. Hoppas att även detta besök medför framgång i projektets tecken i framtiden.
Nästa besök har planerats att äga rum i slutet av maj. Då gäller det närmast folk från social- och hälsosektorn.
Önskar en riktigt trevlig valborg! Glada vappen!
Det är på tiden att ta det lite lugnare och kanske festa lite grann.
UniPlatform-projektet framskrider. Vi fick en förlängd projekttid (t.o.m. den 30 september 2009).
Vårt senaste personalbesök på SAMK/UCPori gick fint och smidigt. Fem experter från Mittuniversitetet i Sverige besökte Björneborg och Raumo under två dagar. Vi hade bra och nyttiga samarbetsdiskussioner. Det är viktigt att lära känna varandra inom projetet. Det är också angeläget att nya personer kommer att medverka i projektet. Hoppas att även detta besök medför framgång i projektets tecken i framtiden.
Nästa besök har planerats att äga rum i slutet av maj. Då gäller det närmast folk från social- och hälsosektorn.
Önskar en riktigt trevlig valborg! Glada vappen!
torstai 9. huhtikuuta 2009
Staff meeting in Satakunta on April 16-17, 2009
In the framework of the UniPlatform project six specialists from Mid Sweden University (Sundsvall-Härnösand-Östersund) are coming to Satakunta for a visit at higher education institutions of the region.
The visitors represent different expertise fields, media&communication, technology, HRM and enterprise education.
The visit takes place on April 16-17, 2009. For more information please contact project coordinator Timo Forsten, +358 44 710 3020 or email
The visitors represent different expertise fields, media&communication, technology, HRM and enterprise education.
The visit takes place on April 16-17, 2009. For more information please contact project coordinator Timo Forsten, +358 44 710 3020 or email
torstai 19. maaliskuuta 2009
Botnia Atlantica Annual Conference
Botnia Atlantica programmets årliga konferens arrangeras i Sundsvall i år. Konferensen hålls den 2 - 3 april på Södra Berget strax utanför Sundsvalls stad.
Från SAMK och UCPori ska inalles 5 personer deltaga i den här två dagar långa konferensen, som är späckad med presentationer, föredag och diskussioner kring ämnet nordiskt samarbete över hav och fjäll.
I samband med själva konferensen ska UniPlatform projektet hålla egna träffar. Vi planerar att ha vårt stytelsekommittémöte den 2 april samt ordna mentoring- och expertisträffar kring temat sjukvård och rehabilitering. Vi kommer även att träffa våra svenska kolleger i samband med konferensen vid flera "inofficiella" sammanträffanden och diskutera projektet och framtida utsikter.
Utsikterna ner mot staden och ut mot havet (hotellet ligger 240 meter ovanför havet) är ypperliga från själva konferensplatsen.
Från SAMK och UCPori ska inalles 5 personer deltaga i den här två dagar långa konferensen, som är späckad med presentationer, föredag och diskussioner kring ämnet nordiskt samarbete över hav och fjäll.
I samband med själva konferensen ska UniPlatform projektet hålla egna träffar. Vi planerar att ha vårt stytelsekommittémöte den 2 april samt ordna mentoring- och expertisträffar kring temat sjukvård och rehabilitering. Vi kommer även att träffa våra svenska kolleger i samband med konferensen vid flera "inofficiella" sammanträffanden och diskutera projektet och framtida utsikter.
Utsikterna ner mot staden och ut mot havet (hotellet ligger 240 meter ovanför havet) är ypperliga från själva konferensplatsen.
maanantai 9. maaliskuuta 2009
UniPlatform II
UniPlatform project did not gain any continuating financing now in the spring (meaning UniPlatform II for the period of 2 and a half years).
The next application period of the Botnia Atlantica -progamme closes in the autumn.
But the project goes on as planned. An extention period has been applied. As accepted it would mean that the project could go on until next fall.
The next application period of the Botnia Atlantica -progamme closes in the autumn.
But the project goes on as planned. An extention period has been applied. As accepted it would mean that the project could go on until next fall.
keskiviikko 4. maaliskuuta 2009
Botnia Atlantica conference in Sundsvall on 2-3rd, 2009
Our next big event will be organised in Sundsvall at the beginning of next month. The Botnia Atlantica program will be holding its annual conference in Sundsvall. It is a two days long conference gathering project people from three different Nordic countries. People represent mainly new or estabished projects or project ideas, but also financing instutions, municipal/regional authorities and enterprises are represented.
A delagation from Satakunta will be participating, likewise partners from Västernorrland. New ideas can be discussed and presented during the conference, as a part of/besides the official conference program.
The UniPlatform Steering committee will be having its meeting during these two days. The project is planning a couple of meetings with people involved in different workpackages, or subprojects of which the most important one will be that of mentoring this time.
A delagation from Satakunta will be participating, likewise partners from Västernorrland. New ideas can be discussed and presented during the conference, as a part of/besides the official conference program.
The UniPlatform Steering committee will be having its meeting during these two days. The project is planning a couple of meetings with people involved in different workpackages, or subprojects of which the most important one will be that of mentoring this time.
keskiviikko 25. helmikuuta 2009
Sammanträde på UCPori
I dag är det dags att ha ett möte på UCPori. Vi kommer att diskutera följande projekt inklusive partnerskapsavtalet. Vi siktar på att få fortsättning på UniPlatform projektet fr.o.m. hösten 2009.
UniPlatform projektet har förlöpt väl och under den gångna projekttiden har vi kunnat identifiera de i dokumentet framtagna samarbetstemana/-fälten. UniPlatform projektets styrgrupp har beslutat att infoga dessa teman (workpackages) i vår ansökan om ett två och ett halvt år långt etableringsprojekt, vilket även konkretiserar/fokuserar våra mål med det nya projektet. UniPlatform II strävar efter att intensifiera samarbetet mellan våra tre universitet inom forskning, utbildning och samverkan.
Hittills har vi haft tre större möten, ett i Björneborg på hösten och två möten/konferenser på våren. Sammanlagt har vi haft ca 30 personer involverade i olika former av samarbetsförhandlingar. Därutöver har den finländsk-svenska forskargruppen på 7 personer arbetat intensivt.
För att alla de planerade verksamheterna och deltemana skall kunna fortgå så effektivt som möjligt och utan avbrott är det ytterst viktigt att etebaleringsprojektet kan starta fr.o.m. den 1 augusti 2009. Detta är angeläget i synnerhet med tanke på planeringen av lärarnas undervisning och projektarbeten med studerande inför kommande höst och forskarnas insatser på internationella konferenser m.fl.
UniPlatform projektet har förlöpt väl och under den gångna projekttiden har vi kunnat identifiera de i dokumentet framtagna samarbetstemana/-fälten. UniPlatform projektets styrgrupp har beslutat att infoga dessa teman (workpackages) i vår ansökan om ett två och ett halvt år långt etableringsprojekt, vilket även konkretiserar/fokuserar våra mål med det nya projektet. UniPlatform II strävar efter att intensifiera samarbetet mellan våra tre universitet inom forskning, utbildning och samverkan.
Hittills har vi haft tre större möten, ett i Björneborg på hösten och två möten/konferenser på våren. Sammanlagt har vi haft ca 30 personer involverade i olika former av samarbetsförhandlingar. Därutöver har den finländsk-svenska forskargruppen på 7 personer arbetat intensivt.
För att alla de planerade verksamheterna och deltemana skall kunna fortgå så effektivt som möjligt och utan avbrott är det ytterst viktigt att etebaleringsprojektet kan starta fr.o.m. den 1 augusti 2009. Detta är angeläget i synnerhet med tanke på planeringen av lärarnas undervisning och projektarbeten med studerande inför kommande höst och forskarnas insatser på internationella konferenser m.fl.
tiistai 17. helmikuuta 2009
Skiing Holiday in Satakunta
"Skiing Holiday" is being spent in the region Satakunta. The weather has been very cold at night but at daytime the sun has been shining and the temparature has risen a bit. It has been a perfect vacation week so far for those having free time outside with skiing, skating and relaxing in other ways.
The Project never sleeps. Fow now two major visits are being planned. The first one is a visit to the annual conference of the Botnia-Atlantica programme (financing this project). The congress will be held in Sundsvall on April 2-3. In connection with that conference the steering committee of the UniPlatform project will meet in Sundsvall.
The other visit being under planning is to gather a group of sex Swedish professionals to come over to Satakunta and visit our educational institutions. That visit will be organised on April 16-17.
The Project never sleeps. Fow now two major visits are being planned. The first one is a visit to the annual conference of the Botnia-Atlantica programme (financing this project). The congress will be held in Sundsvall on April 2-3. In connection with that conference the steering committee of the UniPlatform project will meet in Sundsvall.
The other visit being under planning is to gather a group of sex Swedish professionals to come over to Satakunta and visit our educational institutions. That visit will be organised on April 16-17.
keskiviikko 11. helmikuuta 2009
Sundsvall day after yesterday
A day after the project meeting. I am very pleased with the results. Before the results of the meetings at Mid Sween University I have to say a couple of words about the flight on a little (sex seats) airplane, the landscape in Sundsvall and the temperature in Sundsvall, the county of Västernorrland. Especially the landscape over there in the region of Sundsvall (even if the High Coast(Höga Kusten) begins in the north of Härnösand, about 70 km north of Sundsvall) is very beutiful and special, you get a feeling of being in the northern part of Finland.
After landing at Midlanda Airport the cold weather came to meet us. When leaving Pori - 2 degrees in the morning, but when arriving in Sundsvall nearly - 20 degrees Celsius. A totally different weather was waiting for us. In Pori it was pourraining with plus degrees on Sunday evening.
The plane was, as I mentioned, a little one, hired from Turku Air. It takes six persons onboard and the flight was very pleasent, took only 50 minutes from Pori to Turku. It was like sitting in a private car. The route was more stabil than on our narrow and dangerrous road between Pori and Rauma.
The landscape is very beautiful covered with much more snow than here in Satakunta. The landscape is full of hills outside the town of Sundsvall. Sundsvall is a twin city of Pori, having about 95 000 inhabitants.
But to the results of the conference and cooperative meetings.
We started with an open conference presentating the Botnia-Atlantica (EU)-programme, the UniPlatform project, the region of Satakunta, our universities and R&D-functions. The conference lasted two hours and there were 15 people listening to us.
During these two days we managed to find new partners to our cooperation over mountains and sea. There are some results which must now be elaborated during the next two months and be realized in real actions.
Returned yesterday happy but tired. And now the planning of actions and activities begins...
After landing at Midlanda Airport the cold weather came to meet us. When leaving Pori - 2 degrees in the morning, but when arriving in Sundsvall nearly - 20 degrees Celsius. A totally different weather was waiting for us. In Pori it was pourraining with plus degrees on Sunday evening.
The plane was, as I mentioned, a little one, hired from Turku Air. It takes six persons onboard and the flight was very pleasent, took only 50 minutes from Pori to Turku. It was like sitting in a private car. The route was more stabil than on our narrow and dangerrous road between Pori and Rauma.
The landscape is very beautiful covered with much more snow than here in Satakunta. The landscape is full of hills outside the town of Sundsvall. Sundsvall is a twin city of Pori, having about 95 000 inhabitants.
But to the results of the conference and cooperative meetings.
We started with an open conference presentating the Botnia-Atlantica (EU)-programme, the UniPlatform project, the region of Satakunta, our universities and R&D-functions. The conference lasted two hours and there were 15 people listening to us.
During these two days we managed to find new partners to our cooperation over mountains and sea. There are some results which must now be elaborated during the next two months and be realized in real actions.
Returned yesterday happy but tired. And now the planning of actions and activities begins...
tiistai 3. helmikuuta 2009
Sundsvall Conference
The aim of this blog, which I am exercising to write, is to inform about the project going on.
Time for our next trip to Sweden, is on Monday 9th-Tuesday 10th February. We are going to have a conference including a presentation seminar on our project and educational institutions involved. During the conference we will discuss cooperation in research, education and other collaborative forms between organisations.
Time for our next trip to Sweden, is on Monday 9th-Tuesday 10th February. We are going to have a conference including a presentation seminar on our project and educational institutions involved. During the conference we will discuss cooperation in research, education and other collaborative forms between organisations.
keskiviikko 28. tammikuuta 2009
Fields of Interests
By considering co-operation fields with UCPori and Mittuniversitetet in Sweden the following areas have come up.
Project actions can in the beginning include cooperation in research (forskning), education (utbildning), collaboration (samverkan) and student activities.
- Research project
The research focuses on information systems managements in small and medium size companies. In particular, what are the current practices in managing customer information, and in what way could these practices be improved. The research is in progress according to planned timetable (attached)
The practical benefits of the research are related to showing how to use the potential of information technology (for example, through benchmarking practices in companies in Sweden and Finland). The theoretical results will published in scientific conferences (paper titled “The Role of Information Systems in Information Management: The Challenges Facing SME’s “ on research in progress has been sent to IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2009, 17 – 23 June, and later there will be more publications). There will also be doctoral students involved in the research project. The professors have planned to initiate a cooperative working method in tutoring and mentoring the doctoral students (intensive sessions in Finland and Sweden).
- Staff/teacher exchanges
HR-teacher (Gunnar Augustsson) to SAMK/UCPori for a week in spring 2009. Plans for curricula cooperation between correspondent degree programmes.
- HR-theme teacher cooperation; plan to integrate cities of Pori & Sundsvall in the R&D activities of this theme.
- Enterprise Accelerator, student project/teacher/staff visit (3 persons +students) to Pori in spring 2009. This is ideal timing for MIUN to examine the experience that has been built up in Finland prior to the start of their “Innovation Lab” project.
- Faculty of Social and Health Care and faculty of technology (SAMK) being integrated into the project in spring 2009 incl. faculty exchanges.
- Student projects started in the Spring 2009; SAMK / MIUN (MP3 part-project)
- Heat Pumps Installers (Bengt Sandström) course co-operation. MIUN has been involved with the European Association of Heat Pump Installers and has been running courses since the 90s. Recently they have developed a distance course for “European Certified Heat Pump Installer" which meets the requirements of COM(2008) 19 – the European directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, and which requires the training and certification of heat pump installers.
- Co-operation in recruiting of students to Technology subjects in spring 2009
- Mentoring co-operation for doctoral students (led by docent Jari Palomäki, UCPori) starting in spring 2009
- Project plan from the faculty of technology, Rauma, students involved in making own reports/thesis (visit to Västernorrland in spring 2009)
Project actions can in the beginning include cooperation in research (forskning), education (utbildning), collaboration (samverkan) and student activities.
- Research project
The research focuses on information systems managements in small and medium size companies. In particular, what are the current practices in managing customer information, and in what way could these practices be improved. The research is in progress according to planned timetable (attached)
The practical benefits of the research are related to showing how to use the potential of information technology (for example, through benchmarking practices in companies in Sweden and Finland). The theoretical results will published in scientific conferences (paper titled “The Role of Information Systems in Information Management: The Challenges Facing SME’s “ on research in progress has been sent to IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2009, 17 – 23 June, and later there will be more publications). There will also be doctoral students involved in the research project. The professors have planned to initiate a cooperative working method in tutoring and mentoring the doctoral students (intensive sessions in Finland and Sweden).
- Staff/teacher exchanges
HR-teacher (Gunnar Augustsson) to SAMK/UCPori for a week in spring 2009. Plans for curricula cooperation between correspondent degree programmes.
- HR-theme teacher cooperation; plan to integrate cities of Pori & Sundsvall in the R&D activities of this theme.
- Enterprise Accelerator, student project/teacher/staff visit (3 persons +students) to Pori in spring 2009. This is ideal timing for MIUN to examine the experience that has been built up in Finland prior to the start of their “Innovation Lab” project.
- Faculty of Social and Health Care and faculty of technology (SAMK) being integrated into the project in spring 2009 incl. faculty exchanges.
- Student projects started in the Spring 2009; SAMK / MIUN (MP3 part-project)
- Heat Pumps Installers (Bengt Sandström) course co-operation. MIUN has been involved with the European Association of Heat Pump Installers and has been running courses since the 90s. Recently they have developed a distance course for “European Certified Heat Pump Installer" which meets the requirements of COM(2008) 19 – the European directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, and which requires the training and certification of heat pump installers.
- Co-operation in recruiting of students to Technology subjects in spring 2009
- Mentoring co-operation for doctoral students (led by docent Jari Palomäki, UCPori) starting in spring 2009
- Project plan from the faculty of technology, Rauma, students involved in making own reports/thesis (visit to Västernorrland in spring 2009)
tiistai 27. tammikuuta 2009
Blogitekstit (Atom)